BAFSAM is a recognised industry body and is in regular contact with the Competent Authorities of the UK and Ireland. It is routinely consulted about, or provides input on, national and EU legislation impacting the feed additive and supplement industry. Through FEFANA, direct access to the European Commission and European Food Safety Authority is possible. Close contact is maintained with other feed and related associations in order to develop, where relevant, common positions on topics of key concern to the industry. BAFSAM is an associate member of the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC) and part of the Organic Stakeholder Group coordinated by the Soil Association.
A weekly update is provided to members on developing legislation and matters of interest to the feed additive and supplement industry.
Three Regulatory and Technical Meetings are held each year, one of which is joint with the AIC Premixture and Mineral Feed Committee. These meetings allow BAFSAM members to share experiences and information as well as develop common positions and agree collective action.
BAFSAM holds an annual Feed Industry Conference to bring together a wide range of stakeholders from the UK, Ireland and rest of Europe.
The association is managed by a voluntary elected Council supported by a consultant Secretary General. Issues affecting members are discussed at the regular Regulatory and Technical Meetings. Ad hoc expertise outside the capacity of the Secretariat and Council is sought from individual members on particular subjects of interest.